Over the past five years, Hickey has interviewed some of the biggest names in sports today, including New
York Mets All-Star Third Baseman David Wright and former Mets Joe Smith, Paul LoDuca, Moises Alou, Cliff Floyd, in addition
to NHL superstars Martin Brodeur, Brendan Shanahan and Zach Parise, Negro League Legend Buck O'Neil, Former
Major League All-Stars Don Newcombe, Ralph Branca Carl Erskine and Sid Fernandez and MLB Hall of Famers Mike Schmidt
and Jim Palmer. Hickey also attended the prospect camp of the New York Islanders in 2005 and covered the
Harlem Globetrotters first game in their hometown in nearly 50 years in addition to covering the Isiah Thomas sexual harrassment
trial in 2007.
Hickey has also proven he is more than a sports writer, interviewing Tony Award Nominee and musician Adam
Pascal, Best-Selling Authors Lance Williams, Ross Bernstein and Miles Corwin, while conducting one on one's
with Eisner award nominated Comic Book Writer and Artist David Mack, known for his work on the Daredevil series and
his own created series, Kabuki, Voice-actor Dana Snyder, known for his role as Master Shake on Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Radio
Personality JJ Kennedy and Professional Wrestling Legends Harley Race and Diamond Dallas Page and current TNA Superstar, Shark
In addition, in April 2008, Hickey became a contributor to TriGames.net, where he reviews video games for
all current generation platforms.
Hickey recently finished a one-year stint as the Editor-In-Chief Kingsman, one of the two college
papers of Brooklyn College after serving as the paper's Sports Editor before graduating with a BA in journalism.
Currently, he is the Sports Editor of Bay Currents Newspaper, a local serving the Coney Island, Marine Park,
Gravesend and Sheepshead Bay sections of Brooklyn. He has also has had his work published in the Brooklyn Papers, the
Brooklyn View, the Wave of Long Island, the Brooklyn Free Press, NYSportsday.com, ProHockeyNews.com, NYSportScene Magazine,
GothamBaseball.com, The Syracuse Post-Standard, The Astella Action News, BBallCentral.com, PlayLikeAGirlSports.com, NYCityWatch.org,
Scout.com and the official website of the EPHL's Brooklyn Aces.
Hickey's work has also been mentioned in New York Newsday, the New York Times and such websites as the Yahoo
Sports Hockey Blog and SNY'S MetsMinorLeagueBlog.com.
During his writing career, Hickey has covered everything from the NFL and the NHL to both
Major League and Minor League baseball, writing interviews, recaps, features and columns
In May 2008, Hickey won the Sam Castan Journalism Award at Brooklyn College for his contributions to the
In September 2008, Hickey was appointed Sports Editor of Bay Currents Newspaper.
Hickey is also an adjunct professor at Kingsborough Community College, where he teaches English and Journalism.
Hickey also has another site, The Drive For Five.com, which is solely dedicated to his love of the New York Islanders. If you enjoy his hockey writing, it's worth a
In September of 2007, Hickey also launched a similar site where he chronicles the happenings of the New
Jersey Nets called NetNotes.com.
In February 2008, Hickey launched the first Brooklyn Cyclones blog
written by a beat reporter covering the team. It contains archives of every story he's written on the team over the last two
years and will be the most in-depth blog to ever be written on the team.
In October 2008, Hickey founded AcesOverBrooklyn.com, the only independent coverage of the
only professional hockey team in Brooklyn, the Aces!
Hickey started 2009 off with a bang, winning the 2008 New York Islanders
Blog of the year in a contest run by YesIslanders.com and the team.
Over the past four years, Hickey has also appeared several times
on online radio shows such as Hockey Night on Long Island, the New York Baseball Digest, Hockey Night in Brooklyn and
The Tri-State Hockey Report as an expert analyst.
Hickey is also the former Editor-In-Chief/Production Editor/Sports Editor of Scepter Newspaper,
the official newspaper of Kingsborough Community College in Brooklyn, NY.
Under his guidance, the paper won a Gold Medal in the Columbia University Critique during the
2005-06 Academic year and printed more issues in a year than it had ever done previously.
To contact Mr.Hickey directly, e-mail him at PatrickHickeyJr@yahoo.com